Meet the CEO and founder of Tribes Men Music.. in an interview on Liberty'sblog237 who talks about Tribes Men Music.
LB--Brown Popsy how are you today ?.
Popsy..Am fine sir and you
LB--we are fine thanks,so to get started, is Brown popsy your real or just a stage name? And who is Brown popsy.
Popsy..Brown popsy is my stage name,my real name is known just inside my important documents, like school documents,by the medical booklet etc and Brown popsy is an upcoming artist from Bamenda ,base in Yaoundé.
LB--Brown popsy LB readers will like to know how Tribes Men Music came about what inspire you.
Popsy...well right from secondary school I have had that dream to have something where I can bring together other Cameroonians ,in a way that we can form a team work to promote each other,share common ideas. So when I got to the university I started conceiving the idea of forming a Record Label not withstanding with my little or no finance. I started it and was just working on it alone before meeting a friend who is also an artist on the label Yung maître, and so we came together and contributed more ideas to it and today we can say we have something to be call a label.
LB--ok ,who are those who are sign under the label Tribes Men Music?
Popsy..for now I can't disclose our artists but as time goes on the public shall be seeing them piping out by God grace.maybe you know 2 now but you will discover others as time goes on.
LB--where is Tribes Men Music base ?? base in Yaoundé, Buea Bamenda if u want to work with the team ,you just notify the team you will see it happening.
LB---What are your ambitions?
Popsy--To be great,To join other great Cameroonian labels like NewBell Music,808Nation,BLACKHOME Music,Line Empire, Motherland Empire,DreamzLine,there are many that are putting Cameroon on the map ,we want to join them to make Cameroon a great entertainment nation.
LB---Which projects have you carried out?
Popsy...we have carried out and are still carrying out projects but have released none for now, we will soon making the entire public taste our ownprojects, we working none stop.
LB--What do u think is holding down the kmer music industry?
Popsy--the problem is that we don't work hand in hand,artists don't promote each other,promoters promote more of foreign music, I appreciate and respect few kmer promoters like @DjYisa,@Europlay etc there are trying to see that Cameroonian music gain it position in Cameroon.we need to collaborate with each other,as @skidi booy usually say collaboration is the key.
LB--As an artist who are those that inspire you,or your mentors?
Popsy...People that inspire me is Bracket,Banky w,Ben Decca,Michael Jackson,Chris Brown,etc
LB...In the Cameroonian music industry who do you like to do a collaboration with?
Popsy...hahahahaha tough question... I would like to do it with any body that good,I can't say am soon good but I would like to do it with anybody.
LB...Brown popsy before we live you what do you have to tell other upcoming artist.
Popsy...well I will just tell them to be hard working, stay focus,don't be deceived, don't be in the hast,do your thing..always pray.listen to advice, try to be unique.
LB...Brown popsy thanks it was a pleasure having you on our blog,thanks for accepting our invitation.
Popsy...the pleasure is mine,thanks for supporting the Tribes Men Music team.
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