Efe’s win was expected. He had been touted as the winnerthroughout the duration of theshow and many Nigerians made sure he won by the way they canvassed for votes on his behalf.237buzalso predicted his win.
The other housemates all had campaigns for them but none came close to Efe’s. I mean, people organized rallies for him, prayer sessions and almost all celebrities lined up behind him. Some say it was his down to earth nature whileothers said it was the fact thatpeople could relate to him thatmade him win.237buz feels everything boils down to how things are for Nigerians at the moment. We voted a a President who many people felt was a man for the masses but in recent times, this hasn't been the case. President Buhari's economic policies have alienated him from the masses and as a result, many turned to Efe, the hustler from the streets as their savior.They could see themselves in him, they had felt his pains and h is struggles so it was either Efe or nobody. that's why he won with such a huge Margi fame thin tall tony61% of thevotes)
Bisola would have won but forher romantic escapades with ThinTallTony (say what you may but we are a very conservative society) and many also felt that she already had a career before coming into the house so she could parlay her BBNaija fame into even more fame and fortune.
TBoss was too controversial to have won plain and simple. Had the half Romanian Edo state indigene won the show, riots may have broken out on the streets. Saying she doesn'tneed the money did not help too.Debie Rise stood no chance from the moment she stepped into the show. the fact that she got into the final was a result of her fans outside the house and shrewd campaigning by her team. Her becoming TBoss's number two did not help as Nigerians transferred their hate of TBossto Kogi state musician.Marvis was the smartest of all housemates. She rode Efe's wave right to the very end. Notice how she was saved notonce but twice as a result of her relationship with Efe after all, people did not want their favorite candidate to be lonely. Giving Rivers state governor Nyesom Wike a shout out on the show is also a well calculated move because this way, she is sure to get some goodies from him as soon as she returns home.Here’s wishing all the contestants the best of luck intheir future endeavors.Watch ThinTallTony reveal why he felt Bisola would have made a better winner for the show below:
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